2024 Annual Awards Banquet

Awards BanquetSaturday, February 15, 2025  – Who’s Attending

You came for the cars and you stayed for the people.

Join us for a great afternoon with your friends and fellow members to celebrate the St. Louis Region SCCA 2024 competition season, and our award winners.

SCCA National Road Rally, Midwest Division Club Racing, PDE, Rallycross, Street Survival, and the St. Louis Region Solo series class awards will be presented.  Championship awards will be presented to the Ladies, Novice Index winners, and the Top Index driver in Solo. The evening will be capped off with the presentation of the Region’s annual awards.


2430 Old Dorsett Rd, Maryland Heights, MO 63043

12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Doors open at 11:30 am,  buffet opens at 1:00pm

Members and Guests $30

Cash Bar in the Room

Come join us for a great afternoon of Race Camaraderie, Fun, Awards, Stories…

No charge for those not wanting a meal